Computation speed benchmark

In this notebook, we tested the average computation speed for various models in different cases.

import multiprocessing
import os
import platform
import re
import subprocess
import time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import HTML, display

Local machine details

Log the local machine details on which the test is carried out:

def get_cpu_model(spec="model name"):
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        return platform.processor()
    if platform.system() == "Darwin":
        os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["PATH"] + os.pathsep + "/usr/sbin"
        command = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string"
        return subprocess.check_output(command).strip()
    if platform.system() == "Linux":
        command = "cat /proc/cpuinfo"
        stream = os.popen(command)
        all_info =
        all_info = all_info.split("\n")
        # all_info = str(subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip())
        for line in all_info:
            if spec in line:
                return re.sub(f".*{spec}.*: ", "", line, 1)
def get_specs():
    table = [
        # ["", platform.version()],
        ["Machine", platform.machine()],
        ["Platform", platform.platform()],
        ["Architecture", platform.architecture()],
        ["Cores", get_cpu_model("model name")],
        ["Number of cores", multiprocessing.cpu_count()],
        ["Python version", platform.python_version()],
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=["Spec", "Value"])
Spec Value
Machine x86_64
Platform Linux-
Architecture (64bit, ELF)
Cores Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz
Number of cores 8
Python version 3.8.10

Test function

Create a test function to test the models:

[ ]:
def test_model(Model, n):

    init_time = list()
    encode_time = list()
    decode_time = list()
    total_time = list()

    # Iterations for computing mean and standard deviation
    iterations = 50

    for i in range(1, iterations + 1):
        # Initialization
        start_process = time.time()
        model = Model(n, 1)
        # Encoding
        start_encode = time.time()
        for dim in range(model.n):
            model.encode(0.5, dim)
        # Decoding
        start_decode = time.time()
        result = model.decode()
        end_process = time.time()

        # Store timings
        init_time.append(start_encode - start_process)
        encode_time.append(start_decode - start_encode)
        decode_time.append(end_process - start_decode)
        total_time.append(end_process - start_process)

    return [
def plot_results(df, title="Model"):
    """Plot all the results"""

    # Total timewith STD
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6), dpi=150)

        yerr="Total STD",
    plt.title(f"{title} - Total time with STD")

    plt.grid(visible=True, which="major", linestyle="-")
    plt.grid(visible=True, which="minor", linestyle="--", alpha=0.2)

    # Timings insight
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6), dpi=150)

    df.plot(x="n", y=[1, 2, 3, 4], kind="line", ax=plt.gca())
    plt.title(f"{title} - Timings insight")

    plt.grid(visible=True, which="major", linestyle="-")
    plt.grid(visible=True, which="minor", linestyle="--", alpha=0.2)

    # Zooming in
    print("Zooming in:")
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6), dpi=150)

    df.plot(x="n", y=[1, 2], kind="line", ax=plt.subplot(1, 2, 1))
    plt.title("Initialization and encoding only")

    plt.grid(visible=True, which="major", linestyle="-")
    plt.grid(visible=True, which="minor", linestyle="--", alpha=0.2)

    ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
    df[1:19].plot(x="n", y=[1, 2, 3], kind="line", ax=ax)
    df[1:19].plot(x="n", y=[4], yerr="Total STD", kind="line", ax=ax)
    plt.title("Showing results for n < 20")

    plt.grid(visible=True, which="major", linestyle="-")
    plt.grid(visible=True, which="minor", linestyle="--", alpha=0.2)


We test the initialization, encode and decode time for a input of .5 on each dimension, for increasing dimensions (\(n \in [0,26]\))

from qrobot.models import AngularModel

max_n = 26
table = list()

for n in range(1, max_n + 1):
    print(f"Testing n={n}", end="\r")
    table.append(test_model(AngularModel, n))
print("             ")

df_angular = pd.DataFrame(
    table, columns=["n", "Initialization", "Encode", "Decode", "Total", "Total STD"]

Plotting the results:

plot_results(df_angular, "AngularModel")
Zooming in:

Numerical values:

n Initialization Encode Decode Total Total STD
0 1 0.000090 0.000053 0.015489 0.015633 0.034521
1 2 0.000110 0.000083 0.016208 0.016402 0.004183
2 3 0.000098 0.000093 0.018067 0.018258 0.002224
3 4 0.000098 0.000104 0.021688 0.021890 0.002773
4 5 0.000103 0.000116 0.025970 0.026188 0.004132
5 6 0.000123 0.000142 0.033105 0.033370 0.011682
6 7 0.000128 0.000158 0.036914 0.037200 0.012023
7 8 0.000136 0.000175 0.041892 0.042203 0.008696
8 9 0.000140 0.000188 0.042933 0.043261 0.005541
9 10 0.000140 0.000202 0.047731 0.048074 0.009502
10 11 0.000141 0.000214 0.049028 0.049383 0.005541
11 12 0.000156 0.000216 0.052194 0.052566 0.011456
12 13 0.000139 0.000218 0.053215 0.053573 0.007068
13 14 0.000143 0.000251 0.058227 0.058620 0.006625
14 15 0.000283 0.000424 0.076272 0.076979 0.014698
15 16 0.000281 0.000459 0.079937 0.080677 0.014732
16 17 0.000312 0.000597 0.089898 0.090807 0.021098
17 18 0.000402 0.000589 0.103118 0.104109 0.020345
18 19 0.000341 0.000630 0.109812 0.110783 0.012404
19 20 0.000343 0.000631 0.134797 0.135771 0.015628
20 21 0.000347 0.000624 0.148700 0.149671 0.026392
21 22 0.000389 0.000656 0.198444 0.199489 0.018418
22 23 0.000393 0.000787 0.289993 0.291173 0.030890
23 24 0.000262 0.000449 0.506927 0.507638 0.038720
24 25 0.000244 0.000443 0.817398 0.818086 0.132657
25 26 0.000243 0.000459 1.510985 1.511687 0.226645


We test the initialization, encode and decode time for a input of .5 on each dimension, for increasing dimensions (\(n \in [0,26]\))

from qrobot.models import LinearModel

max_n = 26
table = list()

for n in range(1, max_n + 1):
    print(f"Testing n={n}", end="\r")
    table.append(test_model(LinearModel, n))
print("             ")

df_linear = pd.DataFrame(
    table, columns=["n", "Initialization", "Encode", "Decode", "Total", "Total STD"]

plot_results(df_linear, "LinearModel")
Zooming in:
n Initialization Encode Decode Total Total STD
0 1 0.000092 0.000074 0.010906 0.011072 0.003508
1 2 0.000095 0.000099 0.015090 0.015284 0.012434
2 3 0.000096 0.000112 0.016888 0.017096 0.001992
3 4 0.000101 0.000129 0.021175 0.021405 0.002223
4 5 0.000121 0.000166 0.026563 0.026849 0.004640
5 6 0.000268 0.000403 0.081685 0.082355 0.031608
6 7 0.000165 0.000256 0.045953 0.046374 0.007647
7 8 0.000170 0.000277 0.048785 0.049232 0.006297
8 9 0.000161 0.000269 0.048968 0.049398 0.005945
9 10 0.000190 0.000321 0.062090 0.062601 0.009553
10 11 0.000132 0.000249 0.050055 0.050436 0.012080
11 12 0.000142 0.000270 0.054940 0.055352 0.007372
12 13 0.000156 0.000304 0.060936 0.061396 0.006280
13 14 0.000160 0.000316 0.062640 0.063117 0.011835
14 15 0.000276 0.000538 0.074725 0.075538 0.013014
15 16 0.000307 0.000583 0.078972 0.079863 0.014034
16 17 0.000337 0.000662 0.089452 0.090451 0.024715
17 18 0.000375 0.000713 0.089646 0.090735 0.017322
18 19 0.000393 0.000744 0.109232 0.110370 0.028380
19 20 0.000380 0.000745 0.104235 0.105361 0.023976
20 21 0.000383 0.000744 0.124019 0.125146 0.017510
21 22 0.000407 0.000744 0.159346 0.160497 0.024465
22 23 0.000411 0.000811 0.240353 0.241575 0.032933
23 24 0.000253 0.000547 0.416738 0.417538 0.028743
24 25 0.000217 0.000478 0.683482 0.684177 0.028145
25 26 0.000247 0.000542 1.410785 1.411574 0.180279


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6), dpi=150)

df_angular.plot(x="n", y=[4], kind="line", ax=plt.gca())
df_linear.plot(x="n", y=[4], kind="line", ax=plt.gca())
plt.legend(["AngularModel", "LinearModel"])
plt.title("Total times comparison")

plt.grid(visible=True, which="major", linestyle="-")
plt.grid(visible=True, which="minor", linestyle="--", alpha=0.2)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6), dpi=150)

df_angular.plot(x="n", y=[5], kind="line", ax=plt.gca())
df_linear.plot(x="n", y=[5], kind="line", ax=plt.gca())

plt.legend(["AngularModel", "LinearModel"])
plt.title("Total times STD comparison")

plt.grid(visible=True, which="major", linestyle="-")
plt.grid(visible=True, which="minor", linestyle="--", alpha=0.2)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6), dpi=150)

df_angular[1:19].plot(x="n", y=[4], kind="line", ax=plt.gca())
df_linear[1:19].plot(x="n", y=[4], kind="line", ax=plt.gca())

plt.legend(["AngularModel", "LinearModel"])
plt.title("Total times comparison (n < 20)")

plt.grid(visible=True, which="major", linestyle="-")
plt.grid(visible=True, which="minor", linestyle="--", alpha=0.2)