Differences between AngularModel and LinearModel

In this notebook, simple 1-dimensional models are tested and compared.

from qrobot.models import LinearModel, AngularModel

Models differences

The Models operate different angle encodings:

  • given a scalar input \(x\), the AngularModel encodes it with a \(\theta\) angle of

\[\theta(x) = \frac{\pi x}{\tau}\]
  • given a scalar input \(x\), the LinearModel encodes it with a \(\theta\) angle of

\[\theta(x) = \frac{\sin^{-1}(2x-1)+\frac{\pi}{2}}{\tau}\]
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

X = [x / 100 for x in range(0, 101)]
Y_angular = [np.pi * x for x in X]
Y_linear = [np.arcsin(2 * x - 1) + np.pi / 2 for x in X]
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7), dpi=150)
plt.plot(X, Y_angular)
plt.plot(X, Y_linear)
plt.legend(["Angular Encoding", "Linear Encoding"])

The decoding by means of the measurement probability is:

\[\text{Probability of measuring } \lvert 1 \rangle = \sin^2 \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right)\]

Hence, for \(\tau = 1\) the LinearModel elicitates the non-linearity by inverting it:

\[\text{Prob. } \lvert 1 \rangle = \sin^2 \left(\frac{\sin^{-1}(2x-1)+\frac{\pi}{2}}{2} \right) = x\]
X = [x / 100 for x in range(0, 101)]
Y_angular = [np.square(np.sin((np.pi * x) / 2)) for x in X]
Y_linear = [np.square(np.sin((np.arcsin(2 * x - 1) + np.pi / 2) / 2)) for x in X]
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7), dpi=150)
plt.plot(X, Y_angular)
plt.plot(X, Y_linear)
plt.legend(["Angular Decoding", "Linear Decoding"])

BEWARE: for \(\tau > 1\) the LinearModel loses its linearity:

\[\text{Prob. } \lvert 1 \rangle = \sin^2 \left(\frac{\sin^{-1}(2x-1)+\frac{\pi}{2}}{2 \tau} \right) \neq x !!!\]
max_tau = 3

X = [x / 100 for x in range(0, 101)]
Y = list()
for tau in range(1, max_tau + 1):
        [np.square(np.sin((np.arcsin(2 * x - 1) + np.pi / 2) / 2 * tau)) for x in X]

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7), dpi=150)
labels = list()
for i in range(0, max_tau):
    plt.plot(X, Y[i])
    labels.append(f"tau = {i+1}")

Input Test

This test will compare the state outcome probability for the Angular (left) and the Linear (right) models for a certain number of input samples \(x\) between 0 and 1 include given a fixed \(\tau\)

input_samples = 10

\(\tau\) = 1

tau = 1
import pandas as pd

def test_concat_counts(dataframe, counts, label_name, label_value, shots):
    # Store in the dataset (normalizing probabilities)
    counts[label_name] = label_value
        counts["0"] = counts["0"] / shots
    except KeyError:
        counts["0"] = 0
        counts["1"] = counts["1"] / shots
    except KeyError:
        counts["1"] = 0
    # Cast counts as dataframe to concatenate them
    counts = pd.DataFrame([counts])
    dataframe = pd.concat([dataframe, pd.DataFrame(counts)], ignore_index=True)
    return dataframe

def test_input(model, input_samples, tau=1, x_label="input"):
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
    shots = 1000000
    inputs = [s / input_samples for s in range(0, input_samples + 1)]
    for i in inputs:
        print(f"Input = {i}  ", end="\r")
        # Encode the input and measure
        for _ in range(0, tau):
            model.encode(i, dim=0)
        counts = model.measure(shots)
        dataframe = test_concat_counts(dataframe, counts, x_label, i, shots)
    print("                        ")
    return dataframe
df_angular_input = test_input(
    AngularModel(1, tau),

0 input 1
0 1.000000 0.0 0.000000
1 0.975972 0.1 0.024028
2 0.904671 0.2 0.095329
3 0.794100 0.3 0.205900
4 0.654446 0.4 0.345554
5 0.500587 0.5 0.499413
6 0.345421 0.6 0.654579
7 0.205791 0.7 0.794209
8 0.095376 0.8 0.904624
9 0.024556 0.9 0.975444
10 0.000000 1.0 1.000000
df_linear_input = test_input(
    LinearModel(1, tau),

0 input 1
0 1.000000 0.0 0.000000
1 0.900193 0.1 0.099807
2 0.800332 0.2 0.199668
3 0.699811 0.3 0.300189
4 0.600502 0.4 0.399498
5 0.499384 0.5 0.500616
6 0.400008 0.6 0.599992
7 0.300530 0.7 0.699470
8 0.199834 0.8 0.800166
9 0.099431 0.9 0.900569
10 0.000000 1.0 1.000000
def plot_versus(dataframe1, dataframe2, x_label):
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4), dpi=150)
    plt.grid(linestyle="--", linewidth=1)

    plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
    dataframe1.plot(x=x_label, y=["0", "1"], kind="line", ax=plt.gca())
    plt.legend(["|0>", "|1>"])

    plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
    dataframe2.plot(x=x_label, y=["0", "1"], kind="line", ax=plt.gca())
    plt.legend(["|0>", "|1>"])


\(\tau\) = 10

tau = 10
df_angular_input = test_input(AngularModel(1, tau), input_samples, tau, x_label="input")
df_linear_input = test_input(LinearModel(1, tau), input_samples, tau, x_label="input")

plot_versus(df_angular_input, df_linear_input, x_label="input")

Queries Test

This test will compare the state outcome probability for the Angular (left) and the Linear (right) models for input samples \(x=0.5\) after a query between 0 and 1 performed on the system (the plots represent different queries sampled between 0 and 1). \(\tau\) is considered fixed at \(\tau = 1\)

query_samples = 10
def test_query(model, query_samples, x_label="query"):
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
    shots = 1000000
    queries = [s / query_samples for s in range(0, query_samples + 1)]
    for query in queries:
        print(f"Query = {query}  ", end="\r")
        # Encode always .5 events
        model.encode(0.5, dim=0)
        # then apply the query
        # and measure
        counts = model.measure(shots)
        dataframe = test_concat_counts(dataframe, counts, x_label, query, shots)
    print("                        ")
    return dataframe
df_angular_query = test_query(AngularModel(1, 1), query_samples, x_label="query")
df_linear_query = test_query(LinearModel(1, 1), query_samples, x_label="query")
plot_versus(df_angular_query, df_linear_query, x_label="query")


\(\tau_{\uparrow}\) Test

\(\tau_{\uparrow} \leq \tau\) is the number of events \(x=\) intensity in a sequence of \(\tau\) events (the remaining events are \(x=0\)).

For example, considering a sequence long \(\tau = 5\), with \(\tau_{\uparrow} = 3\) events of intensity \(=0.8\), a possible actual sequence could be:

\[[\; 0.8 \;, \; 0.8 \;, \; 0.8 \;, \; 0.0 \;, \; 0.0\; ]\]
tau = 10
def test_tau_up(model, intensity=1, x_label="tau_up"):
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
    shots = 1000000
    for tau_up in range(0, model.tau + 1):
        print(f"Tau_up = {tau_up}/{model.tau}    ", end="\r")
        # Encode the tau_up events
        for _ in range(0, tau_up):
            model.encode(intensity, dim=0)
        counts = model.measure(shots)
        dataframe = test_concat_counts(dataframe, counts, x_label, tau_up, shots)
    print("                        ")
    return dataframe
df_angular_tau_up = test_tau_up(AngularModel(1, tau), intensity=1, x_label="tau_up")
df_linear_tau_up = test_tau_up(LinearModel(1, tau), intensity=1, x_label="tau_up")
plot_versus(df_angular_tau_up, df_linear_tau_up, x_label="tau_up")

df_angular_tau_up = test_tau_up(AngularModel(1, tau), intensity=0.7, x_label="tau_up")
df_linear_tau_up = test_tau_up(LinearModel(1, tau), intensity=0.7, x_label="tau_up")
plot_versus(df_angular_tau_up, df_linear_tau_up, x_label="tau_up")

df_angular_tau_up = test_tau_up(AngularModel(1, tau), intensity=0.5, x_label="tau_up")
df_linear_tau_up = test_tau_up(LinearModel(1, tau), intensity=0.5, x_label="tau_up")
plot_versus(df_angular_tau_up, df_linear_tau_up, x_label="tau_up")

df_angular_tau_up = test_tau_up(AngularModel(1, tau), intensity=0.3, x_label="tau_up")
df_linear_tau_up = test_tau_up(LinearModel(1, tau), intensity=0.3, x_label="tau_up")
plot_versus(df_angular_tau_up, df_linear_tau_up, x_label="tau_up")

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