Getting Started


Redis database

The quantum-robot package requires Redis, a high performance, super fast and easy to use in-memory database.

Check the How fast is Redis? benchmark page for further information


To run the Redis server in Linux use the bash command service redis-server start

It is also possible to use Docker to spin a redis server without installing redis on your local machine:

docker run --name redis_contaner -p 6379:6379 -d redis

The to stop it:

docker stop redis_contaner
docker rm redis_contaner

To check wether the redis database is reachable, open a python shell (e.g. poetry run python) and run:

>>> from qrobot.qunits.redis_utils import redis_status
>>> redis_status()


Install quantum-robot

The easiest way to install quantum-robot is using pip:

pip install -U quantum-robot

The package can be installed from source as well via poetry::

git clone
cd quantum-robot
poetry install